Free Backlink Generator
What Is a Backlink Generator?
It is a tool that uses platforms specifically designed for posting links. The links lead to your website, increasing its authority in the eyes of search algorithms. A backlink generator works in automated mode, so you just need to enter the full URL of a web page, press the button, and wait for the result — you don’t have to waste your time and involve other specialists.
Why Are Backlinks So Important for SEO?
Modern versions of search engines evaluate a website based on several criteria, with information value, authority, and user-friendliness considered the main parameters. Backlinks placed on other websites satisfy the first two requirements. If someone links to your content, they find it to be credible, useful, and comprehensible. So, these people appreciate your efforts enough to help spread this information.
A backlink is a very strong signal to Google, Bing, and their competitors. A large network of websites sharing your content means you’re on the right track and can be trusted. This will significantly increase your ranking in SERPs.
New websites should place special emphasis on generating backlinks since they can’t yet get to the top based on uptime, the number of indexed pages, excellent UX, and other criteria. But even established platforms with extensive experience can use this tool, as, at the very least, it will strengthen their position and help maintain high ratings in the extremely competitive environment.
Why Use a Backlink Generator and How Can It Help You?
According to Google engineers, building a network of links is the most effective way of promoting websites at this stage of search engine development. However, the situation may change in the near future — leading tech companies have been already testing innovative solutions based on artificial intelligence. This means you can completely rely on existing SEO tools today, but you should get prepared for drastic changes.
1. Domain rating upgrade
So, working with free backlinks-creating tools is one of the best ways to promote your business online. It is a simple, affordable, and effective method, which can get you to the top 100 and, subsequently, to the top 10 search results. It gives the best outcomes in a narrow market niche, but you shouldn’t ignore it when working with a wide audience either.
2. Protection against unfair competition
Oh, those everlasting attempts to put a spoke in competitors’ wheels! There are known cases when companies ordered the creation of backlinks leading to their rival websites. It might seem they did themselves an ill turn if it wasn’t for one caveat — these materials were placed on online platforms with a dubious reputation or even blacklisted web resources.
As a result, the websites’ rankings deteriorated due to fines from Google algorithms. But this method did not last long since the search giant introduced a tool called Disavow to let website owners block such attempts. In combination with free high-quality backlinks building, it can work as a powerful protection against unfair competition. It is important not only to repel an opponent’s attack but also to verify your good reputation, so it makes sense to use exactly the combination of methods.
3. Traffic boost for a newly created site
Usually, an online project has neither a large budget nor a strong team at the initial stage of development. In such a situation, you have to choose the easiest ways to succeed. A free backlink generator is an ideal SEO tool for beginners.
It gives a double effect. First of all, it is the rapid growth of rankings in SERPs due to an increase in the website’s authority as perceived by robots. Second, there is always the possibility that your content on other platforms will be interesting to random visitors. This will positively affect both your reputation and brand awareness.
4. Site indexing speed-up
It may take a long time for small new websites to get their web pages crawled. But indexing will take much less time if they actively promote their content with backlinks on other web resources. Usually, the wait is reduced from 2-3 weeks to a few days. This allows you to immediately join the competition and get a fair share of traffic. The method is very effective in new online niches, where the early bird gets the worm.
List of Websites Engaged in Backlinks Posting
It is important to understand that publishing content outside your website doesn’t always bring benefits. The Google Penguin 4.0 algorithm carefully evaluates the quality of each link. If it is placed on a web resource thematically different from your site, the algorithm will ignore such an attempt to increase the rating. And links published on suspicious or fraudulent web pages can lead to lower positions in search results or even a temporary ban.
Backlink builder tools are often associated with the following platforms:
- Semrush. One of the largest providers of SEO services. It offers keyword research, comparative competitor analysis, contextual advertising optimization, etc. It has a blog section available for guest posting.
- Woorank. A free tool for integrated SEO strategy evaluation. It allows you to get a large amount of information with one click.
- SimilarTo. A search engine detecting identical websites optimized in similar ways. It is suitable for analyzing competitors and assessing the situation in a specific market segment.
- SpyFu. A marketing company specializing in end-to-end promotion in search engines.
- DeviantArt. A platform for hosting digital art and photos. It enables beginners to come into the spotlight and get a rating for their first commercial tasks.
- TalkReviews. Website review service. The very mention of your web resource on this platform can improve your ranking in search engines, while a well-written positive review will significantly increase traffic.
- Netcraft. A research company dealing with big data analysis, cyber security, protection systems tests, website uptime maintenance, and speed improvement.
- Simcast. A domain management platform redirecting traffic from addresses that are not yet rented or have the payment due date elapsed.
- StatShow. A free tool for evaluating website optimization and determining traffic amount. It can be used to improve SEO strategy and competitor analysis.
- DomainTools. A company providing domain research services. Its areas of expertise include address owner tracking, copyright protection, threat detection, and cyber security.
- StuffGate. A free service for checking the key metrics of web resources and determining domain lease terms.
- Wayback Machine. A platform that stores different versions of websites, allowing you to track their history. It currently has more than 760 billion web pages in its database.
- URLRate. A platform compiling the integral rating of each domain’s value and helping to calculate its real cost for sale.
How to Use Backlink Generation Service?
As always, we start with the choice of tools. Sitechecker offers a convenient interface and high-quality technical support, but it is worth noting that its web application is only conditionally free: a 7-day demo is available, with the services provided only based on a paid subscription after its expiration. Really free backlink submitters, although with some interface and functionality restrictions, can be found on Search Engine Reports, DupliChecker, and nimtools.
The operation principles of these services may differ, but since their designs are similar, you can use the universal instruction:
- Open a backlinks creator in a browser.
- Enter the full URL of a web page to be optimized, including the http or https prefix.
- Press the generation button.
- Wait for results, as the process can take 1 to 15 minutes, depending on the specifics of the service.
- Get the result in the form of a table.
The output page will contain all the free backlinks the tool tried to create. Positive results are usually marked with a green tick, while negative results come with a red cross. A yellow symbol will appear in case of any issues during the service’s operation. The program can also show the quality of the posted links on a 5-point or 100-percent scale.
What Are Other Ways to Get Backlinks?
Although automated tools can do wonders, their potential is limited. They will bring you to the top but will not make you the leader of your segment and a successful content maker. Therefore, SEO experts advise using backlink creators alongside other methods.
Invest in content creation
Publish content you really want to share with friends, subscribers, and partners. It can include useful reviews, instructions, lectures, or personal reflections on sensitive topics. Turn to professional copywriters, bloggers, journalists, and designers if you find it difficult to create such content yourself. Of course, that’s not the way to get free backlinks, but you’ll spend the money to gain materials of the highest quality, which will benefit you for a long time, increasing your traffic and rankings in search engines.
Use the “skyscraper” technique
If you can’t be the first, be the best. The Empire State Building was not the first building in New York, but it became a symbol of the city. If the Internet is already full of reviews and instructions on your topic, write a better article or add a controversial opinion. Make the content on your site stand out like a skyscraper in the middle of a low-rise neighborhood.
Register on forums and social networks
Establish your presence on every platform you can reach. Comment, leave feedback, and engage in friendly discussions. This is one of the best ways to generate free site backlinks, but they should be integrated into the content as naturally as possible to avoid any suspicion of advertising. Working with social platforms is quite difficult, but a correct approach will improve your brand reputation and increase your traffic rapidly.
Incorporate guest blogging and outreach
Get in touch with the owners of other web resources and offer them to host your content. Of course, most of them will ask for a certain reward — the cost of publishing an article on quality platforms ranges from $50 to $150 per text. It is also not an easy task since administrators can set high requirements or violate the terms of your agreement. But it pays off, as cooperation with popular platforms and opinion leaders quickly brings noticeable commercial results.
Offer useful tools
To create backlinks for free, you need to be of service to the owners of the online platforms and offer a certain benefit for cooperation. It can include various tools easily integrated into other websites: calculators, simple graphic editors, interactive elements, etc. For example, you can offer a calorie calculator with a link to your blog about healthy eating.
Try a PBN
It’s pretty much the same as a backlink builder but designed specifically for you. A private network of websites is developed from scratch, with each online resource optimized for placing links and promoted to reach top positions in SERPs. This allows you to achieve success faster and tighten your grip in the long term.
But a PBN is a relatively expensive tool. In addition, it is important to carefully select a provider of such services. Search engines often block web pages created with the help of artificial intelligence and containing materials of an obvious advertising nature. It is better to give preference to companies that write texts and place them online manually, with a small share of automation.
Backlink Building Service: Should You Use It?
Such web applications are listed among the basic tools of an SEO specialist. A backlink maker brings the most benefits when working with a new site that hasn’t yet been indexed in search engines and managed to receive a large traffic amount. However, this tool can also strengthen the position of a popular web resource, in particular, to protect it from unfair competition. But you shouldn’t rely on automation only — experts recommend combining it with organic links in your own content, which you will want to share on blogs, social networks, and review platforms.
What is a backlink generator service?
It is a tool that adds web pages with a link to your site to special platforms designed to provide such services.
How to use a free backlink builder app correctly?
Open the app in a browser, enter the full URL of your website in the request line, and press the start button. The process will last from 1 to 15 minutes.
How can a backlink builder help me?
A lot of links from external web platforms will increase your ranking in search engines. In addition, you can improve brand recognition and reputation.
Can free external links hurt my ranking?
Placing materials on suspicious online resources and blacklisted web platforms leads to a decreased position in search results or even a ban. Therefore, it is worth using only proven services.
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