Best Trigger Word Examples And Tips On Using Them

Content marketing
Some brands seem trustworthy from the first encounter. We subconsciously sympathize with them, even if we haven't used their products yet. Of course, when it comes to making a choice, we will recall them. How does it work? Let's understand what are trigger words and how they influence decision-making.

Best Trigger Word Examples And Tips On Using Them


What Are Trigger Words?

Words or phrases that drive a person to a certain targeted action are referred to as triggers. Depending on their meaning and the nature and frequency of their use, they can have a soft or hard effect. In the first case, triggers create a certain emotional background for a person. They do not prompt direct action but subconsciously change the attitude towards a certain object. In the second case, words evoke very strong feelings that force you to act right here and now. However, repeated use of harsh influence will not be as productive, so it does not have a long-lasting effect. 

Trigger words have become part of our everyday life. You can see them on signs with slogans like “Top discounts,” price tags like “Third one for free,” and packages of “The best cereal in the world.” We hear them in conversations when parents say “Be smart and focus on your studies,” colleagues talk about “The only opportunity in life to take a management position,” and friends recommend “Exclusive vacation conditions in the Caribbean.”  

How Do Trigger Words Affect Decision-making?  

To answer this question, we need to dive a little deeper into the theory of psychology and neurophysiology. After all, humans belong to the animal world. Over hundreds of thousands of years of evolution, we have developed a complex nervous system capable of thinking and higher intellectual activity. But in its shadow remain primitive reflexes necessary for survival in a hostile world. 

Words that evoke emotion have replaced external stimuli. You must admit that today, we are much more likely to feel fear from news about the financial crisis than from a collision with wild animals. But this phenomenon is based on the same mechanism:

  1. We encounter a trigger — a word or an event. 
  2. Electrical signals called emotions are generated in the brain. 
  3. The nervous system sends a command to the organs to release hormones.
  4. Feelings arise, accompanied by an automatic body response. 

99+ Emotional Trigger Words That Spark Curiosity And Boost Conversions

Reaction on words and events does not depend on our intelligence and philosophical perception of the world. In some cases, we can curb it with an effort of will, and sometimes, it comes to the fore, forcing us to act rashly. 

To learn how to control your behavior and influence other people, you need to understand how complex external feelings are connected to basic internal emotions. They are the ones that can be directly linked to events in the world around us. And feelings will only be a consequence, an individual reaction that is much harder to predict. 

Analysis of the Most Popular Trigger Words

Choose the best for your texts, emails, and speeches! We’ve compiled a trigger words list, which includes 10 of the most common expressions. They have a proven impact on decision-making, so you can use them to increase the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns. 

1. Free

Who doesn’t like to get something valuable for free? Even if you have to make a little effort (but not pay) to get it. It is a good idea to generate leads and collect personal information. Users are more likely to subscribe to a newsletter if it’s free


  1. Free business email templates for your success!
  2. Five free job postings from $5,000 per month. 
  3. A free book on Photoshop mastery is already waiting for you!

2. New

New means better. Getting the latest means being ahead of the curve and feeling superior. But keep in mind that a product with such an emotionally charged word must have some value for the consumer. It’s unlikely that anyone will be interested in a new brand of office paper or a new style of playing the Scottish bagpipes. Of course, such topics will find their readers, but their circle will be too limited. 


  1. A new coffee machine that will change your attitude toward espresso. 
  2. Five new ways to spend your Christmas vacation in a non-trivial way. 
  3. A new generation online graphic design course. 

3. Easy

A thought-provoking word that appeals to authority. If the proposed scheme really works, you get the benefit with minimal risk. Who can refuse such an offer, especially if it promises to improve your health, financial situation, or reputation?


  1. 15 easy ways to save on everyday expenses. 
  2. An easy way to cook a potato casserole quickly. 
  3. The easiest way to learn Portuguese. 

755 Easy Button Illustrations & Clip Art - iStock

4. Win

This emotion-evoking word is even stronger than “free.”. It appeals not only to the sense of value but also to the excitement inherent in most people. In addition, this trigger relieves you of responsibility — you don’t promise to give away prizes to everyone but just organize a competition. 


  1. Win a free vacation to Hawaii in three easy steps!
  2. Three ways to win in a competition. 
  3. Your win is waiting for you! Take part in the promotion and get a car!

5. Want

If someone wants it, you want it too. It’s our nature — we all feel envy and want to be the first, the most successful, and the smartest. While others are just wishing, you are already taking steps to fulfill their desires. So, who is the best here?


  1. Do you want to learn programming in three days? We’ll show you where to start!
  2. 20 cars that all successful people want
  3. Everyone wants to recreate this celebrity outfit. We share the secret of how to do it tastefully. 

want to」の意外な意味と使い方は?ネイティブ感覚の提案法 - ネイティブキャンプ英会話ブログ

6. Proven

A thought-provoking word that appeals to authority. If the proposed scheme really works, you get the benefit with minimal risk. Who can refuse such an offer, especially if it promises to improve your health, financial situation, or reputation? 


  1. Five proven ways to get rich in the crypto world. 
  2. A multivitamin complex with proven effectiveness. 
  3. Meditation that has proven to be useful for millions of people. 

7. Now

Not tomorrow, not next year, and not even in five minutes. But right now, at this very moment. A very strong trigger that encourages people to click on the link and study the materials presented. However, make your thoughts as brief and clear as possible; otherwise, the effect of instantaneousness will be lost. 


  1. Start saving on tax deductions right now!
  2. Now is the time to buy real estate. Do not miss the opportunity to make a smart investment!
  3. Start your business with us right now!

Time is relative

8. Secret

Who doesn’t want to have exclusive knowledge? This emotional stimulating word motivates you to be the first and the best, gaining a significant competitive advantage. It also appeals to the love of intrigue, solving riddles and mysteries.


  1. An ancient Japanese secret of eternal youth. 
  2. The secret way to overcome stage fear in 1 hour. 
  3. 5 secrets of professional bodybuilders. 

9. Everyone

They’ve already done it, so what are you waiting for? The word hints at missed opportunities that can be quickly made up for. This is a strong motivator for those who are just taking their first steps in a certain field or are considering them. Here, it is important to talk about a common phenomenon — if a person cannot associate themselves with it, they will quickly lose interest. 


  1. Everyone is buying this electric car: why is it better than others?
  2. Five ideas for decorating a Christmas tree that everyone will like. 
  3. We will teach everyone to cook in 30 minutes. 

EO Products Introduces New Hand Sanitizers Under the EVERYONE Brand —  Available Exclusively at Whole Foods Markets Nationally | Business Wire

10. You

Enter the other person’s comfort zone. This emotional trigger word allows you to break through the barrier of distrust to make a personal recommendation. It inspires respect, instills confidence in your abilities, and changes your attitude toward brands. The entire system of personalized marketing is based on it. 


  1. Have you tried this trick to increase conversions?
  2. 10 ways to reduce fuel consumption to help you save money on travel. 
  3. Are you angry? We share your feelings. Try a new course of psychotherapy. 

List of Emotionally Charged Words and Phrases to Use in Your Content 

Do you want to get an easy secret with proven effectiveness that will help you win the attention of new subscribers right now and outperform everyone in the blogger rankings? And these are just the most powerful emotional words. Let’s find out what other triggers will be useful for you.

Visual words

The best content creator is the reader’s imagination. That’s why books successfully compete with podcasts and streaming services. Use the following words and phrases to awaken the imagination:

  • huge
  • shining
  • compact
  • elegantly curved
  • darkened
  • bright red
  • crystal clear
  • pure like a mountain stream
  • soft to the touch


If you want to sell something complex and not fully understood by the customer, you need to be an expert in your field. Create this feeling by using trigger words:

  • absolutely
  • confidently
  • in fact
  • reliably
  • confirmed by research
  • scientifically
  • conceptually
  • meets the current standards
  • passed multi-stage testing
  • meets the needs of the target audience by XX% 

Trust Word Cloud Picture for PowerPoint - SlideModel


Research shows that words are triggering emotions that they mean. If you read about joy, you may feel warm in your heart. So, help your interlocutor with the following expressions:

  • exciting
  • wonderful
  • unique
  • energetic
  • full of joy
  • magical
  • changes your thinking
  • a new level of quality
  • full of pleasant sensations


Don’t let readers postpone their decision until tomorrow. It should be made right now, while the reader is still under the influence of your offer. Use the following triggers:

  • fast
  • expiry date
  • last
  • hurry up
  • right now
  • ending
  • only a few left
  • limited offer
  • only for our readers
  • only today


Everyone wants to be special. In a world of 8 billion people, it’s so easy to lose your identity. And when you address your interlocutor with these words, they will definitely treat you better:

  • you are welcome
  • be the first to hear
  • for members only
  • insider information
  • subscribe and find out
  • reveal the secret
  • the hidden way
  • for the first time
  • exclusive offer
  • private club


What does the consumer want? Everything and, preferably, as much as possible. That’s why this list of trigger words is the most common:

  • free
  • discount
  • profitable
  • instantly
  • faster
  • cheaper
  • more
  • get
  • take away


Negative emotions are stronger triggers than positive ones. But you should work with them carefully. Express disgust at the problem rather than specific individuals to avoid becoming a target. Use the following words:

  • irritating
  • hateful
  • bad practice
  • tired
  • disgusting
  • horrible
  • panicked
  • long overdue
  • forgotten by everyone 


A trigger that sets off the oldest hormonal mechanism of “fight or flight” and forces you to make a decision right here and now. But be careful: too much fear can be paralyzing and force the user to take a step back. Some trigger word examples include:

  • forbidden
  • desperate
  • unhappy
  • helpless
  • sacrifice
  • loss
  • useless
  • dangerous
  • be careful 

Fear -


A sweet feeling that is not very valued in society but brings a lot of pleasure. If you use it, try not to be too overt — present it in a wrapper of good intentions, humor, or personal growth. You may find the following expressions useful:

  • stop suffering
  • catch up
  • give me an answer
  • show everyone
  • ruthless
  • your way up
  • justice
  • conquer the competition 

How to Use Trigger Words Successfully?

Compiling a marketer’s vocabulary is only the first step to success. After all, we’ve all known these phrases since childhood and use most of them in our everyday communication. It is much more important to understand how to use them appropriately. This way, you will get the desired result without any devastating side effects. 

Don’t overdo it 

It’s good to direct the readers’ feelings in the direction you want them to go. Manipulating them and putting pressure on a person is wrong. Try to create a general emotional background that will serve as a clue. Do not write with imperatives such as “you must,” “you need,” or “must read.” Most of the target audience will perceive you as a manipulator and immediately worsen their attitude. At the same time, this will reduce conversion and make sales less effective. 

Give preference to positive words 

Yes, negativity is better at grabbing attention and retaining it longer. But it leaves a bitter aftertaste that doesn’t allow the reader to feel fully satisfied. Use fear, disgust, anger, revenge, and sadness very carefully. Once a potential customer is interested in your message or clicks on a link, immediately set them in a positive mood with feelings of exclusivity, joy, benefit, and trust. 

ENOY LIFE and other positive words. Positive thinking, attitude concept.  Stock Photo | Adobe Stock

Look for the optimal structure 

Words that create suggestions and evoke emotions should be placed closer to the beginning of an article, letter, brochure, or any other text. The maximum density is in the headlines — it is advisable to combine several types of feelings to attract more attention and motivate to perform the target action. Closer to the middle, the volume of trigger words decreases — you need to establish trust and let the reader relax. Another surge of emotions occurs in the conclusion, which contains a commercial offer. 

Add trigger elements

In the product packaging, it can be a sticker with the inscription “NEW!” on the website — a slogan under the brand logo, on the blog — a stamp on the video preview. Such elements can contain triggers and nothing else. They work as efficiently as possible — a person pays attention to your content and wants to get acquainted with it in more detail. But follow the rule of moderation — don’t use too many of these details to avoid distraction. 

Repeat but do not overuse

The optimal density of trigger words and phrases in a text is from 1 to 3.5%, depending on the genre and purpose of the text. If the entire text contains only emotions, it becomes uninformative and quickly gets tiresome. But 2-3 repetitions are the minimum required even for a short message. It is necessary to consolidate the result and create a clear association between your brand and the feeling you are trying to evoke. It is very difficult to come up with a general “golden rule” here. So, keep experimenting, conduct A/B analysis, and track the effectiveness of different approaches. 

Effective Triggers: How to Use Them? 

First of all, you need to study the list of words, reactions to them, and the connection with the reader’s deep emotions. Never use triggers for no reason — think about the goal you want to achieve. Otherwise, the attention may not work in your favor — the reader will be interested in the topic but will form a strong negative perception of the brand, product, or author of the article. 

The second step is to memorize the key rules for using trigger words. Emphasize positive emotions, look for the optimal density of phrases in the text, escalate emotions at the beginning and end, and do not blatantly manipulate. 

The third step is to create your style. There are no general rules for the distribution of trigger words, their number, and the context of their use. It’s up to you to test and develop the methods that will work for you for years. 


What are trigger words?

Trigger words encourage a person to take a certain action. They can evoke strong feelings or form a general emotional background — in the first case, you get a quick result, and in the second — a long-lasting effect. 

How do trigger words affect decision-making? 

They evoke certain emotions — electrical signals in the brain. In turn, it gives a command to release hormones. The body reacts automatically — our intellect is hardly involved in this process. As a result, we make decisions subconsciously, with minimal resistance. 

What are the most popular trigger words in 2023?

Free, new, easy, win, want, proven, now, secret, everyone, you. 

How to use trigger words effectively? 

Gently affect the reader, not manipulate. Place triggers in the headline, at the beginning and end of the text. Give preference to positive words. Repeat but do not spam. Add trigger elements.

Kyryk Natalia
Owner WordFactory

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