How to Write a Press Release in 2024
For a press release to appeal to the audience and get a good reach, it must have the right structure and enhance the interest of target users. If you post the material on a site that is not related to the company’s activities, the response will be minimal.
Not everyone knows how to write a press release and make it go viral. With its help, you can get backlinks and increase project awareness among the target audience, but this requires careful preparation.
1. What Is a Press Release
A press release is a brief message that highlights an event, product, or company in general. Press releases are written to create newsbreaks for the media and convey a message to a target audience.
The media respond well to press releases, and if they are posted on reputable sites with the right announcements, the news can spread across the Internet without additional efforts from the company’s representatives.
It is difficult to create a press release with a viral effect, but it is quite realistic to get backlinks from reputable projects and engage the audience. A good PR is always necessary, especially if a company is just entering a competitive market.
There is an opinion that a press release as a journalistic genre is outdated, but in fact, it has merely changed. Authors who can make newsbreak out of any news will be able to increase brand awareness even with a short message consisting of a few paragraphs.
Users are unlikely to spend time reading formulaic press releases, but if it is written in a non-standard way and includes interesting details, you can count on interest from the target audience.
2. Why Should You Still Publish Press Releases in 2024?
The format of a press release implies a brief summary of the main event, during which, users are immersed in the internal processes of the company. It is not advisable to go into much detail but rather focus on the essence of what is going on so that readers catch the main point.
The author who will create a press release must work within the genre, but even in such a tight framework, there is room for creativity. Messages that are written in a non-standard manner are well-received by the audience.
Formatting and SEO are also important for a press release, but it’s the pitch that has the greatest impact on the effectiveness of the content. If the author uses templates, it will be not interesting to read his message. The article format does not allow for much volume, but journalistic skills can help make the message interesting for the target audience.
2.1. Building backlinks from trusted media sites
Some optimizers are of the opinion that it has long been inappropriate to use a press release to get links from reputable projects. This view is partially consistent with reality, but it’s not all that simple.
The majority of press releases are actually posted as a pure formality. They are written according to a template and do not present any interesting information to users. Readers scroll through the message and leave in search of interesting news.
In such a format, a press release is of minimal use. It can be copied by other projects, but there will be no natural link burst or at least minimal activity among the target audience.
But if the author made an effort to make the message interesting, links may appear on their own. According to the recommendations of search engines, such backlinks should be the core of the link mass of the site.
2.2. Cost-effective way to promote your organization on the market
In an ideal world, after writing a press release, the promoted resource gets not only a large number of backlinks but also free advertising. If you post a message about a brand on several sites, other media agencies must announce the information on their sites.
This is only possible if the company is at the peak of popularity or if a press release is written in such a way that the media will want to cite it on their resources. The latter option is more relevant because it is suitable for promoting new brands.
An effective press release not only generates mentions but also develops audience interest in services or products. For example, if you tell people that a company releases smartphones with a special feature, people will be interested in these devices much faster, and there will be a waiting list of customers at the start of sales.
2.3. Media coverage
When an organization makes a statement via a press release, it may not get noticed, even if it is popular in a niche. The result depends on how interesting the message seems to the reporter or editor of a particular media company.
Business promotion through content is hampered by the fact that many companies do not have the qualified personnel to interact with media representatives. Press releases turn out to be boring, no one reads them, and the business loses customers who may have been interested in its products or services.
2.4. Creating a brand image
A company’s image is formed of many factors, and one of them is effective newsbreaks to attract attention. For example, when Tesla makes presentations of its products, millions of people around the world follow them.
Such an effect is a result of not only cool products but also competent presentations. The release of a new car or another product is covered in all media, and the company representatives make a competent brief on each presentation.
Building a brand image is very hard. It is not possible to take a sample press release and create a newsbreak, which will spread in thousands of mentions in the media. You have to present the event from a certain angle and make it interesting for everyone.
3. When Do You Need a Press Release?
A press release is always needed when the goal is to convey a certain message to the audience. It is most useful when you want to present a new product or make a statement about the company’s official stance on a particular issue.
Information messages can be released without a specific reason, but they are unlikely to be read and replicated in the media. If the goal is to get as many mentions on profile resources as possible with minimal expenses, the newsbreak must be worthy.
For example, if a company opens a new store in the U.S. and invites Elon Musk to the event, this should be announced. Even if the opinion leader will not confirm the information on his social media, the journalists’ attention will be guaranteed.
In the field of journalism, a press release is considered a boring and formulaic genre, which rarely attracts the interest of the audience. If the author uses interesting facts and presents them in a non-standard way, it is possible to increase brand awareness.
When preparing a news release, a press release template will be useful, but only as a sample. Media organizations can publish news articles with a link to the press release if the rule of relevance is followed and the material provides interesting details.
4. What Makes up a Great Press Release
A good press release should be structured in such a way that it can be used by the media, in particular the thematic ones. Niche portals are usually happy to quote news stories if they can evoke reader response.
Before deciding on the content of a press release, you must choose the main goal of distributing the material. If the task is to mention the company’s name and report a boring fact, any structure is fine.
An excellent press release consists of an interesting newsbreak, which should be included in the middle of the story. It will be the core of the future material. If the event is newsworthy, you only have to present it properly — and you can count on organic coverage.
The format of the material implies brief retelling; so, even if the event requires a detailed presentation, there is no point in artificially increasing the volume of the message. Users cling to an interesting fact, read the material, and if they are interested, they can find out more information on the company’s website.
There are many good examples of press releases on the Internet, but public companies do not always look for references when preparing materials for the media. Many of them believe that successful media distribution does not require much effort.
5. Press Release Structure
Press release structure has long been defined and is applied on an ongoing basis. Small changes can be made to your material if necessary, but only if they are justified and the author has a specific goal.
If the goal is to distribute the message to as many sources as possible, it is better to use a standard structure. Then, journalists will not be confused when viewing the article and will be able to make an announcement on their sites.
A press release is considered a standardized format, but this doesn’t prevent it from being written in such a way that even people with little knowledge of the company’s products or services will be interested in reading it. The result depends on the author’s approach to reporting the facts and presenting the information.
5.1. Date and headline
Obligatory elements of any press release template are the date and the headline. The date indicates when the event happened or will happen. The headline reflects information about what exactly happened.
For example, Apple opens a new store in China on January 8. It is clear from the headline that a new point of sale of the company’s products will appear at the beginning of January. Nothing more can be said in this case.
A press release is sometimes issued before the event that is supposed to take place in the next few days. In this case, the date must be indicated in the header and body of the message. If it is missing, the relevance will instantly disappear, and fewer target users will be interested in the event.
5.2. Lede
The first paragraph of a press release is called a lede in journalistic slang. It should focus on the most important information about the event. In the example of the Apple store, it could be mentioned that the outlet would be open only three days a week.
If you place this information in the middle or the end of the message, it will not be noticed by users who will close the news at the beginning. It’s important not to repeat the headline in the lede but introduce new facts.
The lede usually includes two or three sentences about the essence of the event. The opening paragraph is like an abstract to a book. After reading it, one should form a comprehensive idea of the event described in the message.
5.3. Second and third paragraphs
Regardless of the purpose for which the press release is created, two important paragraphs are included after the lead to provide more details about the event. If it is a press release for an event, the second and third paragraphs can cover its details.
It is recommended to focus on important details to keep the reader’s attention. If you list the company’s achievements here and omit the main point, you should not hope for a viral effect.
Statistics and important facts in the second and third paragraphs immerse readers more in the context of the event. But you shouldn’t include too many numbers because users might get distracted and lose the point.
A classic press release should always include a quote. It makes the message more vivid and shows the company’s attitude towards a certain fact in the text. It would be strange if no employee has anything to say about the opening of a new Apple store.
Even if a press release for SEO is created to get as many links as possible, it is still better to add a quote to it. If it will belong to the opinion leader, chances are it will get a lot of mentions and create the effect of the natural distribution of content on niche sites.
5.5. Main text — key ideas
A press release usually includes up to 500 words; so, it does not make sense to list all the achievements of the company. It should be a brief narration about the last event, plans of the company, or important innovations.
The main text should promote the main idea of the message. If it is all about the opening of a new store, it is inappropriate to skip to other facts and ruin the interest of the target audience.
5.6. Final quote
The final quote should be one that acts as a logical conclusion. It can share some important facts or outline plans for the future. The quote should supplement the content perfectly, not be unrelated to it.
If there is an opinion leader who can help prepare the material, it is advisable to provide some interesting figures for the final quote. For example, you can tell that the company plans to open 10 more stores in China.
5.7. Final paragraph
The final paragraph concludes the message and should summarize the text. It is very important that after reading it, users do not have a feeling that the text is incomplete. This usually happens when the author fails to define the goal of the material before writing.
In the end, you can briefly mention how the company is going to build interaction on the new market or share important facts. It all depends on the context of the message and the format of the presentation.
5.8. Call to action
All examples of good press releases include an effective call to action. If there is no direct call to action in the text, readers may still take the step that the author has identified as a goal.
In the example of the Apple store opening, the useful action is to get as many interested customers from China as possible to visit the outlet. Even if they don’t attend the opening, they will know that there is a store nearby.
5.9. Template
A template is brief information about the company, its significant achievements, and the current level of development. It consists of a single paragraph that can be used in all materials for the media.
A template seems to be the simplest element in the structure of a press release, but it is worth paying maximum attention to. Some users read only this part when viewing content, and if the company is unfamiliar to them, the information summary will help capture the essence.
In the template, you can specify:
- full company name;
- office locations;
- area of operation;
- key facts;
- industry awards.
It doesn’t make sense to add a lot of information to the fact sheet. Few people will read more than three or four sentences at the end of a press release; so, you need to highlight the main points and present them in the right way.
5.10. Contact information
Journalists and other media representatives may be interested in the newsbreak, but if they don’t have contact information for team members who can answer all questions, content distribution will be less effective.
It is common to include contact information for journalists at the end of a press release. Media representatives are well aware of what a press release is and for what purposes it is issued. Therefore, they can ask for more information from company representatives if necessary.
6. How to Write an Effective Press Release
It can be difficult to assess the effectiveness of a press release. Therefore, before writing it, you need to set specific objectives, select platforms for content distribution, and, after some time, assess the fulfillment of key performance indicators (KPIs).
Spelling, grammar, and readability of the text affect the coverage of a press release, but it is the facts that readers and media representatives can get hooked on. If you want your local newspapers to cover a news story from the right perspective, you have to pitch accordingly.
Much depends on the relevance of the sites on which the press release is posted. If the boost at the beginning is minimal, further distribution will be at risk. Even if the company does not have partners among the top media organizations, the content can still be distributed quickly on the Internet.
6.1. Find your pitch
The first step to creating an effective press release is choosing the best pitch. The same event can be presented in different ways and evoke completely opposite emotions in the target audience.
Content should be created with a focus on users who can buy products or services, but it is also important to consider the interests of journalists, media editors, and other readers.
The following pitch perspective can be used:
- local impact;
- conflict;
- progress;
- drama.
The format of the content depends on the pitch perspective and the message distribution strategy used. For example, press releases including conflicts are replicated very well in the media, but it will be difficult to gain new customers in this way.
6.2. Write a press release headline
Not all companies know how to format a press release; so, even large companies face difficulties from time to time. Problems can start as early as at the stage of composing the headline, but it is important to deal with them and not to write the headline for the record.
The headline is the most important part of any story. When users scroll through the feed, they make a decision to go to the news page by the headline. If it is formulaic or contains a lot of exaggerated information, you should expect a negative reaction.
The headline of a press release should be brief and address a specific event. If Apple is planning to open a new point of sale in China, it is not necessary to write that the company is completely changing the technology of manufacturing smartphones.
6.3. Write the lede
The first paragraph of a press release should quickly introduce the context of the event to readers. There aren’t many good examples of a press release for an event, but focusing on one-type messages isn’t necessary.
Readers grab the gist from the headline, and the first paragraph should provide them with more details about the specific event. If it’s about a company winning an industry award, it should be mentioned at the beginning, not at the end.
6.4. Write strong body paragraphs with supporting details
The core of the press release is facts, figures, and statistics. You don’t need to bore your readers with a lot of information, but you can focus on important details. Without numbers and meaningful details, any content ceases to be appealing.
The body of content should harmoniously complement the first paragraph and immerse readers more deeply in the context of the event. It is like a good book, which captivates from the first lines and keeps you interested until the logical conclusion.
It is important to find a balance between facts that will be interesting to media representatives and the target audience. If you want to achieve viral coverage, you can shift your focus towards the media.
6.5. Include useful quotes
It is worth selecting quotations in advance so that you don’t have to spend a lot of time searching for and working with key employees during the material preparation stage. It is important to select experts who can provide useful information to the target audience.
The quote should be brief and informative. It completes the main content of the article, but it is a separate part of it. Media sources often take quotations out of context; so, make them independent and link them to the event.
6.6. Include a template
A template can be compiled once and used to distribute content on an ongoing basis. Usually, authors analyze examples of headlines for press releases when preparing a message for the media, but that’s not enough.
Making a brand brief can be difficult, but it should include only important data. It doesn’t make sense to cover in three or four sentences the company’s entire journey in the market or list all the awards in industry rankings.
7. Overall Length and Formatting
By journalistic standards, a press release usually consists of four to five paragraphs. It all depends on the context of the event and the goals of the company that will distribute it. But there is no point in issuing 1,500-word press releases because few people will read them.
The average length of a message is 500 words. It is not advisable to make paragraphs longer than three or four sentences. Pay attention to formatting because it affects the efficiency of perception of the content by readers.
It is better to use a standard structure, but you don’t have to write in a strict official style. You can slightly deviate from the usual genre but only if it is appropriate in the context of the event.
Media practice is standard in this respect, and if the goal is to distribute the press release to as many sources as possible, it may fail because of the weird way in which it is presented.
8. AP-style Press Release
Many companies create press releases to talk about important events or draw attention to product line changes. This can be done differently in each case, but there are generally accepted standards.
In most cases, an AP-style press release is used. The Associated Press is one of the largest news agencies in the world, which publishes a huge amount of information. The agency also regularly updates its press release writing style guidelines.
Preparing an AP-style message doesn’t guarantee that it will be noticed by major media outlets, but the format is used on a regular basis, and if there are a lot of interesting facts in the message, the chances of gaining coverage greatly increase.
8.1. What is an AP press release format?
The AP press release format differs from others in formatting features. For example, one space is used after the period, not two. Authors who do not create such content on a regular basis may find the differences insignificant.
You don’t have to follow all the recommendations from the AP representatives, but you can test the format under realistic conditions and see the effect. If the announcement spreads well across different media, you can use the style as the main one.
9. How to Format an AP-style Press Release
With the right approach, an AP press release can be highly effective. It is important that the writer clearly understands the context of the event and has a comprehensive knowledge of the facts to prepare the content.
It is not easy to write an effective press release, but even an ordinary event can be turned into a good news story. There are no guarantees that the article will be distributed to all media outlets, but you can get minimal coverage for free.
If you cannot attract the target audience to the project, at least some links in the site’s profile will appear. And if they are posted on reputable projects, this is a good result.
9.1. The five W’s of journalism
Useful content for the reader always contains answers to the five main questions, regardless of the style of presentation and the author’s goals. If there are no answers, users may negatively treat the author and the company with which the content is associated.
Questions that should be covered in the material are:
- who published the press release;
- what has already happened in the company or is expected in the near future;
- when exactly the event happened (or information about future dates);
- where the event occurred;
- why the audience needs to know about it.
If all the questions are answered in the message, readers will form a complete picture. They’ll understand why the company is telling them about a new store opening or the first place in an industry ranking.
It is not necessary to answer the questions directly; relevant facts are provided for each of them. If users see a cause-and-effect relation, they may become interested in the company and its products.
9.2. Inverted pyramid
The AP-style press release format allows for the inverted pyramid principle, which is widely used in journalism. It implies introducing important information at the beginning of the message.
The principle of presenting content from important to secondary can be applied to all company publications, regardless of format. It is a time-tested way of presenting materials, which continuously proves to be effective.
9.3. Punctuation and capitalization
When posting a press release on a blog or on the website of a popular media outlet, it is important to not only include the maximum amount of useful information in the material but also format it correctly.
For example, headlines and subheadings are capitalized, as well as certain words. If a company enters a new market, where a different language is used, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of spelling of some words.
You can find an example of a press release template for the local market, identify the key differences, and adjust the message to the new rules. It is important to do this before the material is published on all platforms.
9.4. Perspective and use of pronouns
One of the features of a press release is a third-person narrative. Such messages are not presented in the first or second person. They sound like a company’s official attitude toward a particular event rather than a person’s or brand’s narrative.
When quotations are used, there is no direct speech, and the spokesperson’s statement is perceived as the company’s opinion. This is often why beginners make press releases following a template and do not want to change the laws of the genre.
Different tools can be used to improve the quality of information materials, but there is no point in creating another copy of a standard press release. It will hardly be beneficial for the company’s image.
9.5. Numbers and dates
As for numbers and dates, the Associated Press guidelines are unambiguous. It is important to follow them if the material is to be prepared according to the popular format.
The date of an AP-style press release is usually written in numbers, and if the month’s name includes more than five letters, it is abbreviated. Adhere to the rules if the press release is to be distributed to local media outlets.
Associated Press style also implies writing numbers in a special way. For example, if the headline says that 12 Apple employees took part in a charity run, the number should be given as a figure, but it can be spelled out as a word in the body text.
9.6. Use of standard fonts
If a press release is printed and distributed in electronic media as an image, standard fonts like Times New Roman or Arial should be used.
Usually, a 14pt font is used for headings, 13pt for subheadings, and 12pt for the body text. You can adjust the size a little bit, but it’s better to use the standard format.
10. Steps for Writing an AP-style Press Release
Journalists often admit that the most important thing in any message is facts, not pitch. You can’t digress from the standard rules on press releases too much, but even official reports of events can be made interesting.
If a company has never published press releases before, it is necessary to prepare for the task thoroughly: take a free press release template, break it down into elements, and think about the perspective from which to present a certain event.
It is important to not just tell about the launch of a new product but do it in a way to make people want to buy it and learn more about the company. A press release can be presented in an entirely different way, and almost any goal can be accomplished with its help.
Step-by-step instructions for writing an AP-style press release:
- Formulate one or more objectives.
- Identify the target audience.
- Create headline options.
- Include the main point of the message in the headline.
- Write the body of the press release.
- Pick up some quotes.
- Add a call to action.
- Develop a company template.
- Find relevant sites for distribution.
- Assess the effectiveness of the press release.
If the message is interesting, the target audience will respond positively to it and want more information about the products or services. Official-style content written according to a template cannot provide a similar effect.
11. SEO-friendly Press Releases
The AP press release format or any other style of content presentation has almost no info on how to adapt the material for SEO. You can use it to get backlinks from trusted resources, but positive features are not limited to this.
Keywords can also be added to the body of the press release to associate events with the company and create associations in users and search engines. For example, if a company wants to present itself in the world of electric cars, relevant visual images should be used.
An SEO-friendly press release is a material that uses relevant keywords properly included in the text. It is not necessary to add queries in every paragraph, but sometimes, two keywords in the text are not enough. It is important to find a balance and make sure that readability does not suffer because of queries.
When preparing a press release, you can engage not only an experienced author but also an SEO specialist. Also, a marketing specialist will be useful to the team, who will review the text and indicate where you can change the presentation to achieve maximum coverage.
12. Different Types of Press Releases
Press releases can be used to accomplish different tasks. The format of the material is used to cover events, which can be anything. There are many examples of press releases for new products on the Internet, but it is difficult to find a quality template.
When preparing a news article, you need to focus on specific goals. If a company doesn’t know why it should write about the launch of a new product line, it won’t be possible to create a powerful newsbreak based on it.
Any company should have strategists who see a global path of development and can convey it to the rest of the team. If employees from different departments are working on a common task, even a simple press release can have maximum effect.
12.1. General news
The most common press release format implies standard news coverage. For example, if a company launches an IPO and is about to distribute its shares to employees, this is a good newsbreak.
Not all commercial companies know how to write a good press release. Relevant experience is important, and if you don’t have it, your first material in this genre is unlikely to bring tangible results.
It is important not to stop after the first failure and keep working on press releases for other newsbreaks. Sometimes, companies release 100 unsuccessful messages, and on the 101st time, their texts generate a large number of organic mentions.
12.2. Press release about a new product or business
If a manufacturer launches a new product and wants to tell the target audience about it, the press release needs to be designed based on that objective. Not all experienced journalists know how to write a powerful press release, and commercial companies certainly don’t.
The most important thing is not to rush and to set definite goals. Then, after the message is distributed, it will be possible to check the fulfillment of key performance indicators and refine the content distribution strategy.
12.3. Press release on new research findings
Sometimes, the findings of new studies take dozens of pages, and for readers who are not versed in medicine and science, such reports have no value. For them, a press release can be prepared with a brief summary of useful information.
It should follow a standard structure and present readers with the most important facts. Studies are usually full of figures and scientific conclusions, but you should not include them in five paragraphs of the press release.
12.4. Press release for executives, employees, and staff
A press release may not necessarily be created for external distribution. If the company has a blog on its official site, and employees periodically read it, you can tell them about changes in corporate policy and other important news.
In this case, there is no need to ensure a viral effect and aim for viral coverage. You can focus on delivering important information to employees and monitor the results.
12.5. Press release on the award announcement
The AP-style press release format can be used to tell the public about an award or other accomplishments. Companies often use a dry pitch for such messages, but it is better to take a different approach.
The target audience is not so much interested in the details of the award but rather in the company’s path in the marketplace. You can briefly describe how exactly a new smartphone technology was found and what employees contributed to the progress significantly.
12.6. A press release about the event
A press release can be used to announce an exhibition, draw attention to a charity event, or focus media attention on an important newsbreak. The result depends on the pitch.
If the press release is about a specific event, it should include:
- the place and time of the event;
- a list of participants;
- requirements for journalist accreditation;
- duration of the event.
A press release helps solve various issues, but it is important to formulate them before drafting the text. If you do it later, you will not be able to get the maximum out of the content, even if you have a powerful newsbreak.
13. Examples of Good Press Releases and Why They Work
On the Internet, there are many examples of press releases for new businesses, but it is important to understand that the most effective templates may have minimal effect in a particular case. You need to focus on the company’s objectives and monitor the results.
One thing that good press release examples have in common is that they work for the benefit of the company that distributes them. Apart from the authors and other team members, no one knows what goals were set and what was ultimately achieved.
13.1. For products
The launch of a new product is an important occasion for a company of any level. If it is presented in the right way, it can attract the attention of the audience. For example, Apple manages to maintain a consistently high demand for its products every time.
Presentations are held twice a year, and the number of viewers is constantly increasing. The cost of new devices grows along with the number of people willing to buy them. The company’s profitability indicators are also quite good.
13.2. For an event
It is always difficult to hold events, especially if competition in the niche is high. In the press release example below, readers are attracted to the low cost of the event. The illusionist is famous in an inner circle, but few people will agree to perform for one dollar.
The example is not perfect, but it has a good headline, body of a press release, a quote, and other important elements. The full version includes a call to action for people interested in the magician’s performance.
13.3. For a new business
If you analyze the structure of news releases, every example of a press release follows an inverted pyramid rule. This approach is used on a regular basis, and it is relevant to projects of different formats.
When a media expert or opinion leader backs a new business, it is not difficult to distribute it to the media. When you can’t get the audience’s attention with a big name, you have to follow a different approach.
Facts and a non-standard way of presenting work well. You may not only talk about plans for the future but also focus on how the company or its products differ from competitors. Then, users won’t refuse to read the story.
13.4. For a brand
There are brands that don’t need advertising but continue to generate newsbreaks. The key to their success is that they are constantly investing in image development.
You may not know how to write a press release for an event, but companies need to pay attention to working with such materials. And if they fail to achieve the desired coverage the first time, the next attempts will be more successful.
A brand launch can be turned into a major newsbreak. This is rather difficult when the information field is overcrowded. But if the event is presented from the right perspective, it will be covered by the media of different levels.
13.5. For a new employee
Companies often talk publicly about strengthening the team or searching for new specialists. It is important to focus a press release of this format on a specific employee, not the company in general.
Users enjoy reading interviews, but you can first make a short announcement with a list of new hires in the company and later release a full-length interview with each person.
13.6. For a donation
A press release for fundraising should be structured in a way to ensure people who are interested in the message get all the important information from the text. Then they can take part offline or at least donate online.
You can read an AP-style press release guide before drafting your material. Advice from experienced Associated Press journalists will come in handy regardless of the purpose of distributing press releases.
Out-of-the-box examples of press releases are occasionally found online, but the process of distributing them may not be as easy as it sounds. Not all media outlets cling to non-standard texts and agree to post them for free.
14. Press Release Format Template
Preparing an effective press release can be time-consuming. People who have never prepared such messages before seem to think that a text can be written in an hour, but this is a misleading perception.
For the message to get maximum coverage and catch the attention of the target audience, it needs to include a meaningful newsbreak and present the information in a way that attracts media attention.
If a company wants to get the maximum number of backlinks, it is worth paying attention to SEO-friendly press releases. They are distinguished by keywords and viral coverage.
You can just take a few relevant examples, paste URLs of the pages into Ahrefs or Semrush, and see how many backlinks the original page with the published press release generated. You can also search for mentions by text snippets in online media.
15. What Is Press Release Distribution
Thousands of companies publish news stories on a regular basis, but not everyone knows how to write a lede for a press release and other pieces of the message. The secret to the effectiveness of this format lies in the approach to distributing the information.
You can take a powerful newsbreak and turn it into a tool that will generate a huge amount of targeted traffic. To achieve this effect with a five-paragraph text, each sentence must contain useful information.
Press release distribution implies distributing it to relevant sites with a target audience. Usually, company representatives send the message to various news portals and expect it to be published.
Press releases that can attract a wide audience are often distributed naturally, without any additional action on the part of the company’s representatives. Journalists can write articles based on the press release and increase coverage.
It is possible to publish messages on specialized sites for press releases, but users are often not active on such sites. Therefore, it is better to write an interesting message and make everything possible to make sure it attracts the specialized media.
16. Why Does Press Release Distribution Matter?
The best SEO practices for a press release imply an active distribution of content through all available channels. If you post an article on one site and wait for it to be cited, this may not happen. You need to speed up the process and attract the attention of media editors to the material.
The format of a press release implies a formal style, but even in this case, it is possible to structure the text in such a way that it generates interest among target users. Hundreds of press releases appear on the Internet every day, and they are all similar to one another. If you do a little more than the others, you can expect positive results.
Content is rarely distributed online naturally. Almost always, authors pitch it first and keep an eye on the situation. You can make announcements on popular media platforms or release additional material prior to a press release to boost interest in it.
The effectiveness of distributing the material depends on its quality. If there is no call to action in the content or users feel that the message is not completely covered, there is no point in expecting a viral effect.
16.1. Can boost your SEO
A good press release is a tool for getting backlinks. Site owners usually use the format for this task. It’s worth keeping in mind that links should look natural, and this is not the case when spreading similar messages.
SEO rankings increase when a large number of sites use the material and distribute it. It is quite realistic to get mentions from top media sites, but for this, you need content with a strong newsbreak.
You should not expect that positions will grow rapidly after the material is published. Unless there is a natural link burst, the growth dynamics may be very weak. However, it is quite realistic to get a few backlinks from reputable resources.
16.2. Can attract relevant traffic to the store
If a press release is of interest to the target audience, it can increase sales for a while. Viral content, which can generate a steady demand for products or services in a short time, is great for such tasks.
When a company releases a template message, users don’t pay attention to it, even when they see it in the newsfeed. Therefore, it is important to write it in a way that will make the target audience interested in the content and want to read it.
The press release format is ideal for new product announcements. Even in four or five paragraphs, you can make a brief presentation and interest potential customers. And then, it all depends on the quality of the product and the sales funnel.
16.3. Can increase sales
Properly implemented marketing can help boost performance in a short time. If the product is poorly sold, and specialists cannot find an effective way to attract a new audience, content marketing will be the way out.
You can publish a press release announcing an exhibition or a non-standard promotion and attract the attention of customers. Not everyone will want to take part in an offline event, but if you pitch it from the right perspective, the chances of success are high.
Press release distribution is a time-consuming process that can take days or weeks. If a newsbreak has a limited lifespan, every effort should be made to distribute the content quickly.
17. How to Distribute a Press Release
An engaging press release can go unnoticed if the author fails to distribute it. Therefore, it is important to not only make the content interesting but also find ways to distribute it on thematic sites.
Site owners often ask if press releases work for SEO, and distribution answers this question perfectly. If you manage to attract the attention of niche web portals, content becomes an ideal tool for getting backlinks and boosting SEO rankings.
There are several basic ways of distributing a press release. Each of them has its own features, but in general, the approach is similar. The author of the content needs to make every effort to increase the coverage. There may not be a viral effect, but it is not difficult to generate a few reposts.
It is important to understand that when a company just enters the local market, it is difficult to get a response from the editors of well-known media. You need a good newsbreak that could be of interest to them. Only then can you expect announcements and organic coverage.
17.1. Distribute personally
In most cases, company representatives distribute press releases on their own. They compile a list of relevant sites in advance, find the contacts of employees in charge, and communicate with them.
Press releases are often sent out by email hoping that editors of niche sites will post them on their sites, and it will be possible to get some links. This might happen only if the material is of interest to the media representatives or niche web portals.
It is worth taking the time to prepare personalized letters to get a minimum guarantee of successful content distribution. If you send out requests for publication in one letter, the conversion rate will be lower.
17.2. Find a journalist
An effective way to distribute press releases implies finding an experienced journalist. If you offer exclusive information to the author and ask for distribution, you can get good coverage.
The result depends on the journalist’s approach to the task, but even average authors can ensure quick distribution of the material. But it is almost always pointless to contact an opinion leader with a few million subscribers on social media.
17.3. Distribute the press release on social media
Social media is great for creating a viral effect. Many brands launch advertising campaigns on Facebook and Instagram, and then, the material is distributed naturally.
You can find a few dozen big media outlets that are represented on social media and offer them material to publish. If the press release will be distributed only on social media, you need to adapt it to the format of the feed.
Social media users rarely read even short posts; so, five or six paragraphs may be too much for them. It is also important to adjust the call to action to the specifics of the site. For example, on Instagram, you can’t include an active link in the post.
17.4. Press release distribution services
Some news agencies offer content distribution with a guarantee. The cost of such services can be as high as several thousand dollars. If the third party offers to conclude a contract with clear guarantees, you can agree to cooperate.
Usually, third parties do not guarantee the volume of attracted traffic or the number of backlinks. It is difficult to predict the result in advance because it depends on various factors.
Before signing an agreement with a third party, it is worth discussing all the details in advance. And you should definitely see reviews of the company on independent sites. If there is no negative feedback, you can establish long-term cooperation.
17.5. PR Agencies
Not all commercial companies know how to write a press release for a blog. Therefore, many seek the help of agencies that deal with PR. This is a good decision because they have the resources for the quick promotion of projects of different levels.
PR agencies work differently with clients; so, it is important to conclude a promotion agreement and spell out all the terms in it. The cost of services of such third parties will be much higher than that of freelance journalists, but the result will be quite different.
At the first stages of press release distribution, it is important to generate as much targeted traffic as possible. To do this, you can post an announcement with a link to the article on the top sites of relevant topics.
The PRPosting exchange, where more than 44 thousand sites are available for advertisers, can help solve the problem. If you need to introduce a product to a new market or announce it in the main region, you can use filters to quickly select a list of donor sites for posting.
18. The Best Time to Send out a Press Release
No one can give definite recommendations on the time or days of the week for publishing press releases. Everything depends on the importance of the newsbreak and the approach to distributing the material.
If you distribute an article at night and it is quickly taken up by niche media, there is a chance to create a viral effect. Usually, it is enough to be mentioned in several top media outlets for the others to be interested in the newsbreak as well.
Press releases are associated with a formal business style; so, some agencies advise publishing them in the middle of the day. This might work if it’s a post announcing an event or story about a new team member.
The effectiveness of content distribution depends on the right time of publication. If the company is expecting viral marketing, the first few hours after the release of the content need to attract maximum attention to it.
Sometimes, it happens that social media, niche media, and other platforms do not produce the desired effect, and the content is noticed only after the event has passed or the goods have been sold out. To avoid such a scenario, you need to develop a strategy in advance and implement it step by step.
19. Review Your Work with This Checklist
A great press release consists of two parts: a powerful newsbreak and a good pitch. If you omit even one component, the entire structure will fall apart right away. That is why it is important not to waste the efforts made.
Not all companies know how to use situational marketing to increase sales or promote the brand. The main problem is that not every news article can be turned into a viral marketing tool.
If you lack expertise, you can ask for help from specialized agencies and media portals that specialize in the distribution of newsbreaks. However, it is worth trying to create and distribute a few press releases on your own.
Use the checklist for creating an effective press release:
- Find a newsbreak.
- Identify the target audience segment.
- Set key performance indicators (KPIs).
- Think about how to pitch the news from an unusual perspective.
- Find platforms to distribute the content.
- Seek help from media experts.
- Get support from PR agencies or freelance journalists.
- Write a press release using a standard structure.
- Present it to several representatives of your target audience.
- Correct errors.
- Distribute the material to all sites.
- Spread the word for the first few hours.
- Track the results of your KPIs.
No one likes blatant advertising, but if you pitch the message from an unusual perspective and don’t focus on sales or brand image, the result can exceed all expectations.
20. Conclusion
The format of a press release is often underestimated, but with the right approach, it can dramatically increase sales or ensure that a new brand is quickly established in the market. It all depends on the approach to the creation and distribution of the content.
If the task is to create a viral effect and make the target audience remember the name of the company, you will need the assistance of PR agencies and bloggers. Opinion leaders can distribute the news at the first stage, and then, it will spread organically.
Companies should pay more attention to preparing press releases and work with them on an ongoing basis. If you forget about templates and focus on the benefits to your target audience, you can get new customers and promote your brand on a regular basis.
A template helps you follow the format and control the process of creating the material. But it’s better to use it only to create the right structure, not the content.
It’s best to look for templates based on powerful newsbreaks. You need to analyze examples of press releases that have been highly effective and highlight their key features.
It is an Associated Press news agency template with certain structure and formatting requirements. It is used by companies at different levels.
You need to select good newsbreak and use our checklist. It will help to solve the task step by step and ensure maximum efficiency.
A good newsbreak, a competent distribution strategy, and support from the media. A comprehensive strategy will help you get more out of your material.
It is an informational message that is usually created to announce future events. A press release can be used to invite journalists to a presentation, tell about a new employee, or announce a fundraising event.
It consists of a headline, date, lede, body of the text, template, call to action, and contact information. Each element affects the end result.
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