Blog Post Writing Service

Get Noticed. Be Heard. Go Viral.

Writing a good blog post is not exactly rocket science. But then you siphon tens of thousands of dollars into a blog that generates near-zero organic traffic, has a 90% bounce rate, an average time on the page of a few seconds, and no conversions.

It may not be ROCKET science, but there's SOME science to a successful blog after all. Extensive SEO research? Attention-grabbing intro? Authoritative citations for credibility? Stylistic devices that spice the narrative just enough and still align with TOV? The seamless article structure offers a smooth opening and ends on a powerful CTA? Search engine optimization across multiple layers? Yep, these are just some of the elements of the success formula of the science called blog post writing services.

Why SEO Pros Buy Local Backlinks with PRPosting

SEO nation knows how things can go wrong and complicated quickly with one wrong move in link building. We have all been there. Banned, shadowed, downranked, thrown to a digital jail with no right of parole.

The PRPosting team has been walking up this steep path for over a decade. We feel you. And we won't let you down. This is how:

Up-to-the-Minute Expertise

We will visit every conference online and offline to learn every f*ckup at our colleagues' expense, not yours. We will read every fine print update of Google algorithm – so your domain ranking can benefit first.

Rooted in SEO

Unfortunately, we don’t come from marketing or PR [both of which do have site optimization functionality]. Fortunately, we come from this very narrow specific subcategory of digital marketing, which is Search Engine Optimization. It's our roots, trunk, leaves, fruits, and flowers too.


As an Eastern-European country, Ukraine has speedy cheap internet and limited opportunities inside the country, which has given rise to many digitally-savvy professionals. Thirsty for knowledge, and laser-focused on our goals, we persevere till the mission success. Yes, we can afford competitive pricing too.

Global Outreach

Our team uses the world's leading tools to measure every metric that impacts your ranking & domain authority: Ahrefs, GA, Moz, Majestic, and Ubersuggest. We speak fluent English. We hire native speakers. We offer backlinks from US sites. Our folio features a good dozen of solid cases in the EU and US.

Slowly. But Surely

Don't get us wrong. We mean by-the-book slow. We follow the white-hat optimization techniques for gradual but sustainable growth. We learned not to rush 3 steps forward to be thrown 5 steps back. We partner with clients with similar ethics, and educate our clients to share these ethics—or we don't partner at all.

Choosing the Right Blog Writing Service. Done Right.

There are a few rules of thumb for marketers looking for a quality blog post writing service:

  1. If you are a young business, start a blog the best you can with whatever budgets you have - DIY-ing it is an option. A blog signals to Google what your business is about and serves as proof of your expertise to your site visitors.
  2. If your marketing strategy is more SEM-driven, [e.g. Google ads, Instagram, and TikTok advertising], a basic blog will still boost conversions, as it instills credibility in potential clients.
  3. If your company is doing business on a national level in a highly competitive niche - you can't afford to do the blog. It serves a few major goals: from saturating your digital assets with commercial keywords to be proof of your expertise, and an educational resource for clients in a discovery stage.

These are your options when looking to outsource blog
creation and aiming at writing the best blog posts.

Freelance Writers

Freelance writers can be a good option for smaller businesses with simpler non-technical topics.

The advantage of the platforms like Fiverr and Upwork is that it's cheap and you can check the profiles of the bidding creators before selecting one.

On the downside, you get for what you pay—or even less. If you don't know much about SEO and tools to measure returns on your investment, the judgment about the work produced is subjective.

In-House Authors

Hiring a content writer full-time is the way to go for highly technical niches with hefty marketing budgets.

You will probably want to hire a full-time writer for oil and gas, chemical manufacturing, or NASA-type of complexity businesses.

Not only does it have to be curated by a team of internal marketing & SEO professionals, but they also have to be written by an ex-engineer or scientist in these highly specialized niches.

SEO Marketing Agency

SEO agency offers great blog post writing services that are aligned with Google algorithm and reader’s psychology from conception to marking with tags in the CMS.

With professionals, you can rely on keywords to be handpicked based on dozens of parameters, competitors' blogs audited from A to Z, and best writers using the terms that strike the chord of a well-defined target audience.

On top of the above, you also get impeccable on-page SEO for better organic traffic results.

Blogging Science Insights

When you order a blog post writing service, you will usually be expected to provide as much input as you are capable of, including your niche, competitors, topic, keywords, tone of voice, and article length. You may also provide a proper SEO technical requirement sheet to the chosen writer if you have one. The author of choice produces an article, edits it with a professional editor, and sends a client for approval. Usually, you are allowed to introduce one round of comments to adjust. An approved article is then published in a blog.

A spectrum of digital marketing services aimed to procure multiple links from referring sites includes: the selection of donor sites in relevant niches, content curation, pitching to webmasters, publishing, and results reporting.

A spectrum of digital marketing services aimed to procure multiple links from referring sites includes: the selection of donor sites in relevant niches, content curation, pitching to webmasters, publishing, and results reporting.

A spectrum of digital marketing services aimed to procure multiple links from referring sites includes: the selection of donor sites in relevant niches, content curation, pitching to webmasters, publishing, and results reporting.

Examples of Blog Writing

Hire Pro Copywriters for
Blogs in 5 Steps

Ready to attract organic traffic & grow your expert voice with professional blog writers?

Here’s the process:


Provide your topic, keywords, references, and length requirements to the PRPosting SEO advisor.


Choose a writer based on portfolio and price.


Receive a first draft and provide comments if any.


Receive a perfected copy with your comments addressed.


Upload an article through CMS and request Google indexing in Google Search Console.

Our Team



A spectrum of digital marketing services aimed to procure multiple links from referring sites includes: the selection of donor sites in relevant niches, content curation, pitching to webmasters, publishing, and results reporting.

A spectrum of digital marketing services aimed to procure multiple links from referring sites includes: the selection of donor sites in relevant niches, content curation, pitching to webmasters, publishing, and results reporting.

A spectrum of digital marketing services aimed to procure multiple links from referring sites includes: the selection of donor sites in relevant niches, content curation, pitching to webmasters, publishing, and results reporting.

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