Link Audit Service

Clear Your Site’s Bad Karma. Proactively.

A Backlink profile audit is a routine procedure that digital experts order at least once a year. It's a must-do SEO activity for any newly appointed marketing director. It's a top priority measure for companies who keep investing tons of budget into digital promotion to no avail.

Link audit service allows businesses to quickly immerse into their site's health and map further growth paths. People, who make an effort to purify their negative karma through proactive mental health practices, achieve a better quality of life. Entrepreneurs, who make an effort to find and eradicate the bad referring domains, ensure a fair playing ground to implement their further promotional strategies.

Why Audit Your Backlinks?
AKA Benefits of Good Site Karma

With over a decade of diverse experience in optimizing thousands of sites, we have seen many puzzled faces. Businesses spend tens of thousands on link attraction, content creation, blog outreach, and other white-hat SEO techniques with zero positive dynamics in their rankings. It turns out, their sites have a sizable heritage of low-quality backlinks.

If they are the result of fierce competition by their rivals or just a leftover digital burden from predecessors - it doesn't matter. It’s a negative balance that impedes their growth, dragging them to the bottom of the SERP tables.
Here are the benefits our clients reap after fixing their spammy link portfolio.

Avoid Penalties

Google keeps improving its algorithms and AI is getting better at recognizing all sorts of illegit backlinks. If your site has a negative referral heritage, Google is likely to spot it and penalize it sooner or later. By filing a disavow file proactively you address this issue proactively.

Fight Negative SEO

Negative SEO is what weak players do to gain momentary wins. If you happen to do business in the cut-throat niche with fierce competition, your business may fall victim to negative SEO.
Get your fair share of the market by annulling the pathetic attempts of your competitors to bring you down with foul play.

Keep Your Sales

A drop in PR and manual penalties can take long months to recover from. If you rely on your site to generate leads, every loss in the SERP position costs you dollars. It’s like breaking a leg for a person. Something you take for granted gets broken, and you start appreciating the good old days. Keep the status quo you have worked so hard to achieve.

Grow Confidently

When you send a disalow request to Google, you are essentially whitelisting your site of negative digital Karma.

This gives your business a fresh start without the unfavorable reputation of the past. Let bygones be bygones and start from a clean slate. Grow your KPIs confidently with peace of mind.

Why SEO Pros Order Link Audit Service with PRPosting

SEO nation knows how things can go wrong and complicated quickly with one wrong move in link building. We have all been there. Banned, shadowed, downranked, thrown to a digital jail with no right of parole.

The PRPosting team has been walking up this steep path for over a decade. We feel you. And we won't let you down. This is how:

Up-to-the-Minute Expertise

We will visit every conference online and offline to learn every f*ckup at our colleagues' expense, not yours. We will read every fine print update of Google algorithm – so your domain ranking can benefit first.

Rooted in SEO

Unfortunately, we don’t come from marketing or PR [both of which do have site optimization functionality]. Fortunately, we come from this very narrow specific subcategory of digital marketing, which is Search Engine Optimization. It's our roots, trunk, leaves, fruits, and flowers too.


As an Eastern-European country, Ukraine has speedy cheap internet and limited opportunities inside the country, which has given rise to many digitally-savvy professionals. Thirsty for knowledge, and laser-focused on our goals, we persevere till the mission success. Yes, we can afford competitive pricing too.

Global Outreach

Our team uses the world's leading tools to measure every metric that impacts your ranking & domain authority: Ahrefs, GA, Moz, Majestic, and Ubersuggest. We speak fluent English. We hire native speakers. We offer backlinks from US sites. Our folio features a good dozen of solid cases in the EU and US.

Slowly. But Surely

Don't get us wrong. We mean by-the-book slow. We follow the white-hat optimization techniques for gradual but sustainable growth. We learned not to rush 3 steps forward to be thrown 5 steps back. We partner with clients with similar ethics, and educate our clients to share these ethics—or we don't partner at all.

When Ordering Backlinks Audit Service is a Must

As a rule of thumb, our SEO-savvy clients will order a backlink portfolio review service every year for a site of below 40 DR and twice a year for bigger sites. This makes sense: the bigger the site, the more links you attract, and the tougher measures the competitors are inclined to use.

However, there are red flag situations that should be the trigger for any digital entrepreneur to analyze the collection of referring domains. Long story short: it’s when you need to learn an unfamiliar digital asset, and when you need to understand what’s wrong with it.

Negative SEO Attack

If you experience a sudden drop in your SERP rankings, it may mean you are under a negative SEO attack.

If dozens of spammy-looking URLs from low-authority sites start linking out to you all of a sudden - you are so under attack. This means, your competitors want your business to drown. We know how to stay afloat.

You Are New to an Old Site

You took a new marketing job or embarked on a new executive SEO role? The site you are now responsible for has thousands of inbound links?

You need to do a full checkup of the patient before you start understanding how to improve their health forward. Order link profile audit service to know your Point A.

Nothing Works

Black hat SEO used to be more popular and less consequential before. It was common to buy links en masse without much scrutiny.

But this burden may be holding your site back from growing according to the new rules of play. If you see little ROI on your digital marketing efforts, ensure to leave no stone unturned in the search for bad site karma.

How to Audit Your Backlinks. The. Right. Way

Truth be told, an SEO audit of your backlinks is a boring routine activity. And it does require plenty of technical expertise to be done right too.

Looking to DIY it? There are a few tips that can boost the efficiency of this activity. Want to understand the best practices to be in a position to control the results of your search optimization vendor's audit? Read below. Gotta know how to minimize the risks of being penalized or having a PR drop after filing a disavow request? These tips will come in handy.

Backlink Audit Insights

These are telling signs you need a website audit:

  1. it's a lead-generating site that has not had its links reviewed in a year;
  2. You have seen a lot of spammy links on your site recently;
  3. You got a new digital asset on your portfolio with unclear history;
  4. You think you are under a negative SEO attack;
  5. You invest thousands of dollars into your SEO activities to no avail.

A spectrum of digital marketing services aimed to procure multiple links from referring sites includes: the selection of donor sites in relevant niches, content curation, pitching to webmasters, publishing, and results reporting.

A spectrum of digital marketing services aimed to procure multiple links from referring sites includes: the selection of donor sites in relevant niches, content curation, pitching to webmasters, publishing, and results reporting.

You can buy high-quality backlinks directly with the webmaster of a chosen site by manual outreach. Professional marketers choose to order whitehat link building services with link-building platforms, like PRPosting. They usually have transparent metrics, intuitive search and filtering options as well as competitive pricing.

Examples of Local Link
Building: Donor Sites

Our Team



A spectrum of digital marketing services aimed to procure multiple links from referring sites includes: the selection of donor sites in relevant niches, content curation, pitching to webmasters, publishing, and results reporting.

A spectrum of digital marketing services aimed to procure multiple links from referring sites includes: the selection of donor sites in relevant niches, content curation, pitching to webmasters, publishing, and results reporting.

A spectrum of digital marketing services aimed to procure multiple links from referring sites includes: the selection of donor sites in relevant niches, content curation, pitching to webmasters, publishing, and results reporting.

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