SEO Case TemplateMonster

For a site to be visible in search results, attract an audience and fulfill the task set by the owner, it is necessary to take many steps of SEO.

SEO Case TemplateMonster

Of course, the first step is an SEO audit. The primary purpose is to find all technical SEO errors. This applies to every site: from a small one-page page to a large online store. After all, even minimal mistakes in keywords and meta tags can hinder the growth of targeted traffic. Also, you risk losing existing traffic by not tracking changes, especially after an update on the production site.

The Plerdy SEO Checker tool automatically checks keywords, meta tags (including Title and Description), gives recommendations for missing keywords, and shows the history of changes. It isn't easy to analyze important SEO metrics daily, especially if you have 100+ thousand pages on your site. Plerdy shows you how you can save a lot of time.

Examples of an automatic search for SEO errors

We conducted a test audit of the TemplateMonster online template store using SEO Checker. The script works only on the pages with which visitors interact - there is no load on the site since the data is not collected by the crawl method.

You can see the results. In our example, the following information was obtained:

  1. No errors were found in 16,404 pages.
  2. 1,605 pages require attention.
  3. The script found critical errors in 2,498 pages.

At the same time, we take into account that SEO Checker from Plerdy separately collects information for the PC and mobile versions of the site. This is important because versions can differ in HTML and semantics, which Google indexes.

A Brief Introduction of TemplateMonster Website Analysis

The first thing to consider is the critical SEO errors that SEO Checker finds on mobile devices. This is since Google at this time has not finished moving websites to mobile-first indexing.

The mobile site had 1,967 pages without errors - the service suggested paying attention to 138. Critical errors were found on 304 pages.

Sorting options allow you to highlight specific issues on a website. For example, the number of H1 headings was incorrect in 8 cases. Looking at the report, we found that SEO Checker shows two such titles - indeed, similar tags were found in the page code. Since the errors are identical on all selected pages, the typo has crept into the template. Having corrected it, you can remove the comments.

Next, let's move on to the most numerous group of errors - page description. The Plerdy product found 293 situations in which, according to the report, Description is simply missing. Such pages are poorly indexed. To fix the problem, you need to fill in the Description or generate it based on the template, focusing on the 170 characters limit with spaces.

Finally, let's look at the 25 critical errors that the tool has flagged as H1 Content. The main complaint was the absence or incompleteness of the corresponding tag. But at the same time, all pages were most likely deleted - and when they go, they give an error "404". Or they are closed from indexing by search robots.

Considering that the pages are not used and, as a result, do not affect the SEO optimization of the site, nothing needs to be changed. But to avoid seeing errors, we closed them from indexing by the verification algorithm through the "SEO-settings" section. Thus, we solved all the critical tasks and thus showed an excellent SEO test result.

Additionally, when measuring website traffic, we found that users often open blog posts. At the same time, product categories are viewed much less frequently. Therefore, you should analyze them. Let's start with the top categories:

  1. WordPress themes.
  2. Free web templates page.
  3. Data visualization web templates

These are the pages with the highest traffic by customers. A detailed analysis will help you figure out how to find SEO errors and save time quickly.

WordPress themes

To see statistics for a WordPress theme page, select it in the filter list on the SEO Analysis tab. The results show that there are comments on the optimization of the PC version.

At the same time, there are no errors at all in the mobile version.

The desktop version has notes on the H1 heading, which changes automatically when new templates are added to the category, so it is not considered a critical error. Analysis of the semantic core of both versions did not reveal significant errors. The top words meet the category requirements.

Free web templates page

The third and most popular category, the Free web templates page, showed poor optimization results in both versions:

  1. The Plerdy SEO Checker highlighted a critical error due to the lack of a description tag and a page description in principle.
  2. The H1 change was also highlighted - in our case, it is not critical, but there are other words Welcome to Templatemonster. This does not strengthen the request but only increases the number of characters in the header. Better to make it 50 characters less by creating a heading like "361 Free web templates".

The semantic core showed excellent results based on the checks. There is no excess of the recommended values. All important keys have been used - there is no need to make adjustments. But in both versions, the "cms" keyword was written with the first Cyrillic letter, which needs to be corrected for correct indexing.

Data visualization web templates

Finally, let's analyze the Data visualization web templates page, which has no organic traffic. The PC version does not contain a description tag that needs to be added. It also requires fixing the Title with the addition of the service name. After semantic analysis, the reason for non-attendance becomes more apparent - the primary key Data visualization query in Title and H1 does not exist.

Also, a decrease in the number of words and characters was noted on the page, leading to organic traffic loss. By correcting the listed errors, it will be possible to increase the category traffic.


Plerdy's SEO Checker automatically detects both major and minor SEO errors on a website, directly affecting its indexing and promotion. Its main advantages:

  • No server overloads.
  • The presence of the mobile-first index.
  • Automatic SEO analysis of over 1 million pages.
  • Minimal traffic loss.
  • The data is exported to Google Sheets, making it easier to work with.
  • An SEO audit of a website takes a minimum of time - you can save up to 30 hours a week.

Critical flaws can be found in a minute and quickly eliminated, improving search results and organic traffic volume.

Andrew Chornyy
CEO Plerdy

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